"Hoshi shachō ga Ō-Bei yori motaraseru Kōtetsu-sei Hoshi-shiki kumitate tenpo ni tsuite"
1 2020-04-30T18:06:08-04:00 Kate McDonald 306bb1134bc892ab2ada669bed7aecb100ef7d5f 35 1 "Hoshi shachō ga Ō-Bei yori motaraseru Kōtetsu-sei Hoshi-shiki kumitate tenpo ni tsuite" Hoshi seiyaku kabushiki kaisha shahō, February 1, 1923. plain 2020-04-30T18:06:08-04:00 35.67624, 139.77069 1923 Public Domain Timothy Yang jpeg TY-0004 Still Image Kate McDonald 306bb1134bc892ab2ada669bed7aecb100ef7d5fThis page is referenced by:
"Regarding Steel-constructed Hoshi-style Prefabricated Stores"
Translation of primary source, "Hoshi shachō ga Ō-Bei yori motaraseru Kōtetsu-sei Hoshi-shiki kumitate tenpo ni tsuite" Hoshi seiyaku kabushiki kaisha shahō, February 1, 1923.
35.67624, 139.77069
Hoshi Pharmaceuticals Company Newspaper
Timothy Yang
Translation of “Regarding Steel-Constructed Hoshi-Style Prefabricated Stores.” Translation by Timothy Yang.
The pictorial diagram on this page are blueprints of the new, steel-constructed Hoshi-style prefabricated store brought back from President Hoshi's recent trip from Europe and America. We hope you reference President Hoshi's opinions concerning this store on page 2 of this issue in his interview about his visit to Europe and America.
First, the steel-constructed Hoshi-style, prefabricated stores are the most scientifically designed and ideal for this new era of drugstores.
Second, the Hoshi-style prefabricated store has three separate sizes: Large, Medium, and Small.
Large-size stores: width 5 ma [ma =1.97 meters], length 7 ma
Medium-size stores: width 4 ma, length 6 ma
Small-size stores: with 3 ma, length 4 ma
Third, the figures mentioned are blueprints of a large-size store. I will provide a summary of the three figures. The first figure is a diagram of the outside of the front of the store, and to the right and left of the entrance are displays. On the right side is what looks like a panel made up of a one large sheet of glass, but that is not the case. On the left is the same. The left is a made out of small sheets of glass using a partitioned frame. You cannot say that it looks as good as a single sheet of glass. But because a single glass panel is expensive, and will definitely be hard to get in certain places, depending on location, if you use a frame, and add in small glass panels, it will not look inferior to single glass panel, with a bit of effort.
The display windows on the right and left for large-size stores is 9 shaku in width, for medium-sized stores, it is 7 shaku, and for small-size stores it is 6 shaku. The central entrance is 5 shaku in width and has a revolving door. The revolving door, for example, if a customer pushes the revolving door on the right, the door revolves to the left, and as it turns, customers enter the interior. The revolving door keeps the interior warm, and it is delightful and very convenient.
The second figure is a rendering of the interior. In the center there is a merchandise display case, comprised of a rectangular case enclosed in glass, which can be opened and closed, when desired, with sliding doors. In it, goods are affixed with prices, customers freely, quickly, individually can decide to buy the goods they want, without bothering individual store clerks. On the left and on the right of the front of the store are display cases with glass windows that can exhibit an abundance of goods. The display cases and the display shelves, whether long or short, are prefabricated, and can be moved to whatever place one desires. In the interior, one two ladders allow one to climb to the second floor. The display shelves on the second floor can freely accessed through a corridor, which is 2 shaku and 1 sun in width. One can think of the 2nd floor corridor, from end-to-end, as 6 or 7 shaku in length.; If that is the case, then on the first floor underneath can be used as a small office or even be turned into a pharmacy. The third is a two-dimensional diagram of the interior.