This content was created by Maren Ehlers. The last update was by David Ambaras.
Bodies and Structures 2.0: Deep-Mapping Modern East Asian HistoryMain MenuGet to Know the SiteGuided TourShow Me HowA click-by-click guide to using this siteModulesRead the seventeen spatial stories that make up Bodies and Structures 2.0Tag MapExplore conceptsComplete Grid VisualizationDiscover connectionsGeotagged MapFind materials by geographic locationLensesCreate your own visualizationsWhat We LearnedLearn how multivocal spatial history changed how we approach our researchAboutFind information about contributors and advisory board members, citing this site, image permissions and licensing, and site documentationTroubleshootingA guide to known issuesAcknowledgmentsThank youDavid Ambaras1337d6b66b25164b57abc529e56445d238145277Kate McDonald306bb1134bc892ab2ada669bed7aecb100ef7d5fThis project was made possible in part by a major grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities.
Printed instructions for caregivers whose children had been vaccinated at the vaccination clinic in Fukui
1media/養生法_thumb.jpg2021-08-09T09:55:45-04:00Maren Ehlers18502c6775e5db37b999ee7b08c8c075867ca31d3514From the Yōjōhō. The sheet recommended dressing the child in a single layer of soft cotton rather than silk; making sure the body didn't get too hot; avoiding (both mother and child) certain foods such as alcohol, fish, pickles, oil, vinegar, and raw mochi before scabs had appeared; soaking the body below the hip and avoiding rubbing it dry after bathing; avoiding scratching or irritating the incisions while holding the child; limiting outdoor play to just a few hours during warm weather; avoiding upsetting the child with dirt, bad smells, or loud noises; and keeping the child away from smallpox patients for a duration of twenty days. The instructions also referred to a separate sheet indicating the days when parents could have incisions inspected at the clinic.plain2022-01-14T13:20:29-05:00Fukui City History Museum (Fukui Shiritsu Kyōdo Rekishi Hakubutsukan).2017060514314320170605143143Fukui City History Museum (Fukui Shiritsu Kyōdo Rekishi Hakubutsukan)Used with permission.Maren EhlersME-0055David Ambaras1337d6b66b25164b57abc529e56445d238145277