This stele, which was originally erected on the grounds of the Jilong artillery garrison, was moved to within the grounds of Takasago Park when it was built. During the 19 years since that time, the ceremony was completely halted and the stele fell into disrepair. Looking into this further, this area has become a place where idle youths, dogs, and pigs have roamed and played. It is deplorable that this site has not been remembered with respect. This association (NB: the Jilong branch of the Imperial Veterans' Association) took it upon itself to move the stele, and its members, with their own labor, began work on November 7 of last year and completed it on this day...We send our prayers to the spirits of the war dead that they may remain in this place and bring peace to it, and become the great protective spirits of the nation and protect our country.
– March 15, 1927 [Shōwa 2.3.15] Imperial Veterans' Association, Jilong Branch
If the 1940 effort was, indeed, an attack on the Ghost Festival, it failed: a news report from 1944 indicates that local authorities again attempted to control specific practices when the Ghost Festival occurred that summer, rather than abolish the entire event.