Bodies and Structures 2.0: Deep-Mapping Modern East Asian History


“Lenses” is a new tool for Bodies and Structures, which we developed in collaboration with Erik C. Loyer and Craig Dietrich at Scalar and with significant funding from the National Endowment for the Humanities. Lenses is available to all Scalar users.

What are Lenses? The Lenses tool plays a special role in Bodies and Structures. Lenses brings our readers—you!—into our multivocal spatial history. Use Lenses to search and visualize the content of the book in new ways. Set search parameters to develop more complex and focused approaches to the site’s materials. Generate novel visualizations and analyses by combining the site’s materials.

Follow our screencast to learn how to use Lenses with Bodies and Structures.

Access Lenses at any time by selecting "Manage Lenses" from the Compass menu in the upper-left hand corner.

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