Bodies and Structures 2.0: Deep-Mapping Modern East Asian History

On Border and Boundary

Traditionally, international law scholars and political geographers have been concerned about determinations of borders and boundaries (Baud and Schendel, 1997, 211-242). However, in observing ethnic conflicts and rise of nationalism after the Cold War era, scholars in various disciplines have paid special attentions on borders/boundaries issues, in particular, with regard to the questions on belonging and identity (Diener and Hagen, 2012). Although approaches to border/boundary issues are diverse, the contemporary scholars share the recognition that ethnic/national/regional boundaries are unstable and both notions of border/boundary and practices of delimitations have been altered in different place and time.

The sovereignty of a nation-state is not the only force that produces social space, yet it is a dominant force. In recognizing the dominance of state sovereignty over other modes of productions os space, a limit of sovereignty or national territory, which is determined by a government or international negotiations, is indicated as "(national) border". It is distinguished from "boundaries"that are delimited by other modes of production of space.

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