Bodies and Structures 2.0: Deep-Mapping Modern East Asian History

Two ferry operators get caught up in the net

又何藍、吳時符二犯平日渡船度日。 道光十六年二月間,有在逃之廈門人葉絨自帶本銀六十元,僱坐何藍等渡船駛到衙口鄉施猴等買得煙土五塊,運回本處。給何藍等工資四百文。是年五月十五日葉絨又邀在逃之葉勤、蔡書司二人各出本銀六百元,仍僱何藍、吳時渡船駛往衙口鄉向施猴販買菸土,駛至衙口鄉附近海邊,被金門督船追拿。葉絨等上岸逃,查該犯何藍等當被兵丁拿解。

He Lan and Wu Shi worked a ferry.  In the second month of Daoguang 16 (March of 1836), Xiamen native Ye Rong (at large) used an investment of 60 silver, and hired He Lan and Wu Shi to ferry him to Yakou Village and Monkey Shi to buy 5 kuai of opium, which they brought back, and he gave He Lan and Wu Shi each 400 wen.  Later that year in the sixth month, Ye Rong together with Ye Qin and Cai Shusi (both at large) each invested 600 silver, and they again hired He Lan and Wu Shi for transport. The two men went to Yakou to buy opium for their employers, but were captured by the Jinmen patrol boats nearby to Yakou. Ye Rong and the investors made it to shore, but the two ferry operators were captured.


Source: Junji chu Hanwen lufu zouzhe (Grand Council Chinese-Language Palace Memorial Copies, often cited as LFZZ), Beijing: First Historical Archives, 03–4007–048, DG 18.10.29.

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