This page was created by Emily Chapman.  The last update was by David Ambaras.

Bodies and Structures 2.0: Deep-Mapping Modern East Asian History

References for "One family's photographs 1941-66"

Canning, Kathleen. 2006. Gender History in Practice: Historical Perspectives on Bodies, Class, and Citizenship. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press.

Darnton, Robert. 1984. The Great Cat Massacre: And Other Episodes in French Cultural History. New York: Basic Books.

Dasgupta, Romit. 2012. Re-Reading the Salaryman in Japan: Crafting Masculinities. Abingdon: Routledge.

Economic and Social Research Institute, Cabinet Office. 1959-2004. "Percentage of Households Possesing Major Durable Goods—All Japan."

Edwards, Elizabeth. 2006. "Photographs and the Sound of History." Visual Anthropology Review 21, no. 1 & 2: 27–46.

Edwards, Elizabeth and Janice Hart eds. 2004. Photographs Objects Histories: On the Materiality of Images. London and New York: Routledge.

Leheny, David. 2000. "'By Other Means': Tourism and Leisure as Politics in Pre-War Japan." Social Science Japan Journal 3, no. 2: 171–86.

Masuda, Matsuki. 1953. Katei Shashin Ju-Ni Ka Getsu [12 months of the family photograph]. Tokyo: Genkosha.

McClintock, Anne. 1995. Imperial Leather: Race, Gender and Sexuality in the Colonial Contest. London & New York: Routledge.

Plath, David W. 1990. "My-Car-Isma: Motorizing the Showa Self." Daedalus 119, no. 3: 229-44.

Ross, Kerry. 2015. Photography for Everyone: The Cultural Lives of Cameras and Consumers in Early Twentieth-Century Japan. Stanford: Stanford University Press.

Sandbye, Mette. 2014. "Looking at the Family Photo Album: A Resumed Theoretical Discussion of Why and How." Journal of Aesthetics & Culture 6, no. 1.

Thomas, Julia. 2008. "Power Made Visible: Photography and Postwar Japan's Elusive Reality." Journal of Asian Studies 67, no. 2: 365–94.

Yoshioka, Senzō. 1962. "Mama No Kamera Kyōshitsu (1): Pinboke De Mo Kamawanai." Yoiko (July): 74–75.

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