Bodies and Structures 2.0: Deep-Mapping Modern East Asian History

References for "Constructing a Water Town"

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Guo, Weiting. 2013. “Living with Disputes: Zhang Gang Diary (1888–1942) and the Life of a Community Mediator in Late Qing and Republican China.” Journal of the Canadian Historical Association 24, no. 2: 218–62.

Katz, Paul R. 1995. Demon Hordes and Burning Boats: The Cult of Marshal Wen in Late Imperial Chekiang. Albany: State University of New York Press.

Kuhn, Philip A. 1970. Rebellion and Its Enemies in Late Imperial China: Militarization and Social Structure, 1796–1864. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.

Lo, Roger Shih-Chieh (羅士傑). 2019. "Jindai Wenzhou de longzhou jingdu yu difang zizhi chuantong" (近代溫州的龍舟競渡與地方自治傳統) [Dragon Boat Racing and Local Self-governance Tradition in Modern Wenzhou]. Lishi renleixue xuekan (歷史人類學學刊) [Journal of History and Anthropology] 17, no. 1: 31–65.

Robinson, David M. 2001. Bandits, Eunuchs, and the Son of Heaven: Rebellion and the Economy of Violence in Mid-Ming China. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press.

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