This page was created by Magdalena Kolodziej. 

Bodies and Structures 2.0: Deep-Mapping Modern East Asian History

References for "Studying Art in Colonial Libraries"

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Recommended Further Readings

Aso, Noriko. 2014. Public Properties: Museums in Imperial Japan. Asia-Pacific. Durham: Duke University Press.

Brandt, Kim. 2007. Kingdom of Beauty: Mingei and the Politics of Folk Art in Imperial Japan. Asia-Pacific. Durham: Duke University Press.

Clark, John, ed. 1993. Modernity in Asian Art. Broadway, NSW, Australia: Wild Peony.

Culver, Annika A. 2013. Glorify the Empire: Japanese Avant-Garde Propaganda in Manchukuo. Vancouver: UBC Press.

Eubanks, Charlotte D. 2020. The Art of Persistence: Akamatsu Toshiko and the Visual Cultures of Transwar Japan. Honolulu: University of Hawaiʻi Press.

Ikeda, Asato. 2018. The Politics of Painting: Fascism and Japanese Art During the Second World War. Honolulu: University of Hawaiʻi Press.

Ikeda, Asato, Aya Louisa McDonald, and Ming Tiampo, eds. 2013. Art and War in Japan and Its Empire, 1931-1960. Leiden: Brill.

Kaneko, Maki 2015.. Mirroring the Japanese Empire: The Male Figure in Yōga Painting, 1930-1950. Leiden: Brill.

Kida, Emiko and Brian Bergstrom. 2006. "Japanese-Korean Exchange within the Proletarian Visual Arts Movement." positions 14, no. 2: 495-525.

Kikuchi, Yūko, ed. 2007. Refracted Modernity: Visual Culture and Identity in Colonial Taiwan. Honolulu: University of Hawaiʻi Press.

Kim, Youngna. 2005. 20th Century Korean Art. London: Laurence King.

Kuo, Jason C. 2000. Art and Cultural Politics in Postwar Taiwan. Seattle: University of Washington Press.

Lin, Ming-hsien, ed. 2008. New Visions/Meili xinshijie: Collected Papers on the Historical Significance of Taiwan’s Gouache Paintings/Taiwan jiaocaihua de lishi yu shidai yiyi xueshu yantaohui lunwenji. Taipei: National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts.

Lin, Sandy. 2014. “Chen Jin: Bodies Blurring Boundaries.” Modern Art Asia 17.

Mayo, Marlene J., J. Thomas Rimer, and H. Eleanor Kerkham, eds. 2001. War, Occupation, and Creativity: Japan and East Asia, 1920-1960. Honolulu: University of Hawai'i Press.

Tomizawa-Kay, Eriko and Toshio Watanabe, eds. 2019. East Asian Art History in a Transnational Context. New York: Routledge.

Wu, Chinghsin. 2011. "Icons, Power, and Artistic Practice in Colonial Taiwan: Tsai Yun-Yen’s Buddha Hall and Boys’ Day.” Southeast Review of Asian Studies 33: 69-86.

Yen, Chuanying 2006.. "Colonial Taiwan and the Construction of Landscape Painting." In Taiwan Under Japanese Colonial Rule, 1895-1945, edited by Liao Ping-hui and David Der-wei Wang, 248-261. New York, Columbia University Press.

-----. 2011. “Self-Portraits, Family Portraits, and the Issue of Identity: An Analysis of Three Taiwanese Painters of the Japanese Colonial Period.” Southeast Review of Asian Studies 33: 34-68.

Young, Louise. 1998. Japan's Total Empire: Manchuria and the Culture of Wartime Imperialism. Berkeley, Calif.: University of California Press.

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