Bodies and Structures 2.0: Deep-Mapping Modern East Asian History

Archival Connections, Windows into Corruption

Finally, before sending visitors off to explore The Case Against Shi Hou, I would like to go ahead and spoil the ending by explaining two of the more exciting discoveries I made when I first encountered these archival materials. In my quest to understand how the opium business operated, I entered the Jardine-Matheson archive in Cambridge with the somewhat unrealistic dream of directly correlating the Qing version of the Yakou Shi lineage opium operation with the perspective of the foreign merchants who were anchored just offshore when the Quanzhou Prefect sent troops into Yakou to arrest and punish the offending opium traders. Remarkably, I was able to find documentation of exactly that. 

Big and Little Li (大小李), a.k.a. John and Thomas Rees
In the Jardine-Matheson archive, I found volumes of letters from the captains of the ships that anchored in places like Shenhu Bay. One of those captains was named John Rees, and one storyline in the archive revolves around John's feud with his brother Thomas, who was the captain of the rival Dent & Company opium ship that also frequented Shenhu Bay. It did not take me long to figure out that the foreign opium merchants known in the Shi Hou memorial as "Big and Little Li" were in fact John and Thomas Rees

A Window into the Shadowy World of Corruption
As I read further into the Jardine-Matheson archive, it became clear to me that the major arrests that took place in Yakou during early 1837 (i.e. the arrest of Shi Hou and his compatriots) happened as a result of the failure of the Chinese opium traders to make good on their annual Lunar New Year bribe to the local government. The Jardine-Matheson representative in Shenhu Bay, John Rees, wrote on January 2nd of that year that trade was stopped in Shenhu Bay for five days “in consequence of a party having cheated the Mandarines out of their customary fees.” Then on January 15 a group of government officials descended on Yakou village for the purpose of “recovering their fees,” and again stopped all boats from coming out for a period of three days. On the 21st Rees lamented that trade was completely stopped in Shenhu Bay due to the fact that “the Mandarines are about collecting their fees prior to the New Year and I believe are squeezing the brokers that we deal with rather hard.”

It was the Lunar New Year, a traditional time for the settling of debts and bribes, and not coincidentally the period during which Shi Hou and his compatriots were arrested. A month later, after sending a Chinese employee ashore to reconnoiter the situation, Rees reports that a new official stationed near Yakou “had burnt several houses and destroyed some boats... in consequence of the brokers not coming to terms with him. They have not paid the Mandarines 1/3 of their fees, and several of the brokers have absconded.”

Sources: JM B2.7 [Reel 495] No. 131, 2 January 1837; no. 132, 15 January 1837; No. 133, 21 January 1837; No. 140, 28 March 1837.

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