Bodies and Structures 2.0: Deep-Mapping Modern East Asian History

The crackdown reaches Yakou




The Xinghua-Quan-Yong Daotai Dai Jiagu together with the Quanzhou Prefect Shen Ruhan and the Jinjiang County Magistrate Zhu Cheng have now memorialized about Yakou Village in Jinjiang county, part of Quanzhou prefecture, where Shi Hou and others committed unauthorized maritime trade in opium.

Now we can report that the opium monger Shi Hou and others have been captured, their names and testimony recorded and personally inspected. We have ordered them to be brought to the provincial capital for prosecution, and the material evidence has been meticulously collected and examined.

The civil and military officials then proceeded to capture Shi Saiguang and 40 others. They confiscated boats, silver, weapons, opium and other items. Meanwhile, officials demolished the grass shack Shi Hou had built in the wastelands for opium storage. We then ordered all suspects to be brought to the provincial capital, and have included their testimonies in an attached memorial.

Source: Junji chu Hanwen lufu zouzhe (Grand Council Chinese-Language Palace Memorial Copies, often cited as LFZZ), Beijing: First Historical Archives, 03–4007–048, DG 18.10.29.

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