Bodies and Structures

Teaiwa, "Reading Paul Gauguin's Nau Nau with Epili Hua'ofa's Kisses in the Nederends"

Teresia Teaiwa developed the term "militourism" to describe the relationship in which tourism is infused by military networks, while at the same time the "tourist industry masks the military force behind it." Teaiwa, Teresia, "Reading Paul Gauguin's Nau Nau with Epili Hua'ofa's Kisses in the Nederends: Militourism, Feminism, and the 'Polynesian' body," in Inside Out: Literature, Cultural Politics, and Identity in the New Pacific, ed. Vilsoni Hereniko and Rob Wilson (Landham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield, 1999), 262. See also Paul Lyons, American Pacificism: Oceania in the U.S. Imagination, (London: Taylor & Francis Group, 2005).

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